Did we solve world hunger and world peace already?
Because we’re now nitpicking ketchup ads.
Yes, ketchup ads.
I remember when ads were just ads.
We laughed at silly jingles, smiled at clever lines.
Now, we're digging into every frame like it’s a crime scene.
Take the Heinz wedding ad.
People were furious because the dad wasn’t in it.
Suddenly, it’s a symbol of erasing Black fathers.
Then Heinz drops another ad.
A man with ketchup on his lips.
And boom, we’re talking about minstrel shows from the 1800s.
Are we serious?
In our quest for diversity, are we losing perspective?
Here’s what I think:
1. Context matters. So does intent.
2. Not every ad is a social statement.
3. Let’s not turn every mistake into a firestorm.
4. Let’s focus on real change, not just outrage.
5. Brands should do better, but let’s not overreach.
The point? We’ve got bigger battles to fight.
P.S. Are we focusing on the right things or missing the mark?
© 2025 Ana Calin
Substack is the home for great culture
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