Firsts are always special!! <3 I'm happy my first live video joined here was a lot of takeaways and learning for me! Looking forward to more amazing sessions and lots of learnings and growth together as a community! 💛
p.s. i’ve just updated my about sesh based on my takeaway! 🐵
100% I've been considering whether to create an offer that is an unlimited number of monthly 30 minute mentoring sessions for my Get Work Done founding members subscribers, with a limit of 20 'founding' memberships. I've been reading about others that create similar offers and the reality is that most people do not abuse the offer, and some take very few sessions per month. I wonder if anyone else has tried this.
Firsts are always special!! <3 I'm happy my first live video joined here was a lot of takeaways and learning for me! Looking forward to more amazing sessions and lots of learnings and growth together as a community! 💛
p.s. i’ve just updated my about sesh based on my takeaway! 🐵
so happy to hear about it
100% I've been considering whether to create an offer that is an unlimited number of monthly 30 minute mentoring sessions for my Get Work Done founding members subscribers, with a limit of 20 'founding' memberships. I've been reading about others that create similar offers and the reality is that most people do not abuse the offer, and some take very few sessions per month. I wonder if anyone else has tried this.
that would be a great question for the chat